Mis antepasados viven

I never got to meet todos mis abuelos.

They did not grow viejos to see me grow up.

Some did not even get to see my own padres grow.

Sickness took them too soon from us,

but they still live in me. Abuelo Jesus lives

in the strokes of my pen on paper,

porque él también era escritor y maestro.

Abuela Agustina stares right back at me from the mirror

with her beautiful big brown eyes and skin.

Abuelo Pancho lives in my hard work and efforts,

as I put my heart in everything I do.

Abuela Soco aún vive, compartiendo

sus consejos, rezos y chistes con sus nietos y bisnietos.

Aún viven todos mis abuelos.

En mí y en mi modo de ser.

by Solany Lara



