Monkey Parts

I enter the room

Ten toes on sterile floors

The doctor is ready to examine me

I wrap my indecent parts in tissue

Hop on board the sailor’s ship

ready to go with the wind

He takes a part of my leg

From the knee to the ankle

“It’s got to go” he says

What “It’s all rotten.”

They’ve been experimenting with monkey parts

“I’ve got one just right for you”

What “skin tone… and all”

I don't want to be different, or more so in this society

He’s hunched over watching me twitch in fascination

I won’t feel the pain of his grip on my leg soon.

It will fade

I hold the catalogue above my head

“They are sacrificed for you”

He’s talking about the monkey parts again

“Pick one with a pretty name”

The man, the doctor, the one with the masked face

is out of my sight now

Standing behind my head

I’ve heard from my sisters the process is painless

I’ve listened to them howl in their sleep at night

It’s time for me to go now, and

when I awaken, I’ll have my monkey parts

And he will have profited

by Fowsia




Mhm. Yes, Of Course