Nina Simone Was a Force of Nature

Maybe that’s why everything she did

canceled out

the divine feminine

her call remained on silent

fans handed her

nature to pay her after shows

as if it showered her

in love, summer rain some-

thing she never experienced at home growing up, the mark of a true artist is they never intended

to be famous and then they get labeled crazy for loving

what they do, some do end

up, but she will never

not be crazy

talented in my charcoal eyes

bouquets and



that sprinkled

incremented nourishment. Yes, seeds & overcrowding weeds her hands slaved in soil, black

on the surface and even further


the road her parents paved

for a family tree of burned bark, brown

wading through the saffron

dandelion fields, eating

sour fruits

of their labor, sickening

howls for money to hold

a love she never was around


up to keep her

apartment from crumbling,

this is the ugly part offstage

where an audience partitions

artist from Art is the starving,

the daily news

feed, sees a person as purely an image

Venus fly trap she was predestined to

nurture the feminine thirst, undeniable

will to feed to quench, indeed,

she had the mother

load, pockets full of

blaring blackness glaring back at her

tar-coated trust almost so dark

becomes invisible paper

bag over face, cover like Claudia

Rankine’s black hoodie

figure against a stark

white background, back again

mistaken for a creature

no choice, Mississippi

Goddam, kick cans in

a crumbling city until it’s

rebuilt with revolution, footfalls

eery echoes the immaterial

that sustains

trashed pothole

streets, riddled with plastic

people, washed-out, watch out

she will point trigger fingers if you stand

in the way of her

first love, Bach

weathered concrete, vermon was the man

-made ever two-way in giving, supporting

the soles? She asked no

one in particular.

No cents at her feet, not even a dirty penny. We could waste time

by listing the basic living swept cunningly from her soles, those rich roots


to be secure, an Earth Song 2.0

instead of their strength ravaged

all she wanted was love from the ground


by Maria


Treasure your worth without measure


Why Does My Body Hate Me?