Old Perfume

First published in Gypsophila Art and Literary Magazine, Vol II, Issue II

Even still

Every instant is imbued with the

Essence of you

Like old perfume on

Shirts I peel off my floors

(Because laundry is too boring

To do on my own)

So that

Even a blade of grass

Will take me back

To who we were

That sweltering summer day

Of “Where do you want to eat?”

And “Don’t go just yet, please stay”

I can’t

Visit my favourite haunts now--

The haystacks hint at you

So I resolve to remain

Holed up in this room

Until this world is just that and not


Beside me in every long lineup

The source of every sharp quip

Your hand over mine with every

Pancake flip

Even still

by Navi


Memory Among Flowers


My Beloved, My Enemy.