On Father's Day I dreamed about you

On Father’s Day I dreamed about you

Nearly a year has gone by

And I’ve thought of you maybe a handful of times

With each passing, intrusive thought

I roll my eyes

And continue my day


On Father’s Day I dreamed about you

I dreamed of all the things I’ve wanted to say to you

The profanities I’ve buried inside for nearly a year

All came bursting out

Each syllable leaving my lips

Sharpened and piercing you

The way your lack of words have pierced me

On Father’s Day I dreamed about you

At the end of the dream

You drove off

Crying and pathetic

No apology

No embrace

Just driving off

Again without a word

Abandoning me

It’s not new

Should be used to it

But still

It hurts


I hate you for it

I want to say that I could forgive

For your inaction and bigotry

But I never will

Even if we reconcile

I will never forgive you

On Father’s Day I dreamed about you

And I woke up

Not relieved for finally getting to say all of those words to you

But sad

Because it was only a dream

On Father’s Day I dreamed about you

And I hate you for it

by Rae Lee


Why Does My Body Hate Me?

