Scorched Eyes

You can’t poison a tongue

That has already licked thorns

With her head dragged

Through a thicket of rose bushes

Eyes scraped from the leaves

Blush pink petals left messed in her hair

Her crown bleeds yet never falls

A voice tells her to appreciate the flowers

Rather than to speak ungratefully

Questioning how she cannot see

The bright side of this sight

As she picks off the thorns from her temples

Her eyes already witnessed horror

Of streets being set fire fueled by laughter

Cackles from those who set flames

While those who supposed to protect

Run around like headless chickens

As homes burn on the street

She remembers the poor girl

Who was slapped for crying over

Her missing rag doll

The one her grandmother made

She wonders how anyone could smile

Upon the sight of ashes

She will no longer be surprised yet

She will always be shocked

by Sonia Charales


Afternoon delights.


Love Poem