Black Magic

Girl, the masses called her



of Soul, in an interview she air

quoted cuz her world isn’t limited

even when flung from it

by labels or to go as far

to say

language as a whole , I’m talkin’

‘bout Nina

you know Simone, bless her invested soul

other worldly, always living in more than on and yet

10X more experienced in her 3D body, never a concern for the material

meaning, language is limited

she means

well, she would’ve liked to go home

walk the streets she performs for

and not be robbed, be laughed at later

for explaining the lack of change

be paid for her lip

service, an equal split

check her back & have a hand on it

what year is it and equality is still

a thing of the past, present, & future tense fist, she was tender in every circumstance except for song, there’s no time

to sugar


talent comes with conditions

period dot

dot dot she never signed up for

a life of misunderstandings, she wanted

her name,

stage to call her

own like a kid possesses stuff-

ed animals & everything they can

hug, doesn’t every woman in this industry? The rigid masters degree of backlash it takes

to achieve like attending a real university

black magic vanishes

if the voice box is suffocated, isn’t that right, Nina? Rise if it’s true plants will droop, elevate ‘n

die depending on

the music played

around them. i watch

what I play in public, but nature

urges me to pay attention to frequencies

in private too, I’d whisper

if it’s facts to my hand-

glued crystal Tillandsias in my mint

-green room, but none got through

the thick of Michigan

winters. Rose

quartz is pretty to pinch and admire,

but let’s face it, the color is what we all

grab her for like an object, no power in that

movement, ask our former orange-flesh

President of U.S via his twitter

handle, what he finds pleasure in

grabbing, the colors he can’t see

working It’s magic

on the human race

no situation is purely black & certainly

not white, this race lives in their pink

matter too much

who said

a black heart couldn’t mend

a strung out time-

line, who said time

matters at all when art is

a perpetual

necessity, people

pick up poetry like


wasn’t playing lyrics, wasn’t playing

was she? No, she was

living the times on key.

Always on key. Black & white.

by Maria


Just the Inside. Please.

