Just the Inside. Please.

There is history in the layers

Peel back the rib cages

Examine the lungs

Root around for the kidneys

They all hold lies, rotten

With your fork stab the heart

Watch the air pour out

Steal the helium and blow it into the ears

Expand the brain numb the mind

There is history somewhere

You are keeping it locked up

How can you expect respect?

When you can’t even have a little fun

Take your insides and throw them on the wall

You’re hollow anyway

Why not make a little money on the side

There is history in the layers

There are scars on your appendix

Deliciated placed in your time in the womb

Does it not sting to swallow?

Do you not feel embarrassed?

You are a machine missing parts

A hotdog without the bun

The buns the best bit,

you don’t even come with mustard

there is history in the layers

So, go ahead add another

You were never going to break…

Generational trauma

by Fowsia


Who are you?


Black Magic