Did you make it through winter?

Did you sleep through what you thought was winter

with 2 blankets

only to open your eyes and find

that it was still dark,

making you roll over

and stay in bed for longer?

But then,

realising that troubles don’t last,

did you wake up one day

to the sun shining outside,


onto dry pavements

and windowpanes?

Has it happened yet,

that you feel optimistic

for the year ahead

despite the chaos all around

and uncertainty of each moment?

Among it all,

is joy filling your heart

slowly but surely from the bottom up,

lovingly threatening to stick around

until the end of year celebrations?

Have you yet recognised

the power to do anything you wanted

as the thing that you carried in your arms

day and night

throughout this season

as the dark sky overpowered

the presence of light in your life?

Are you now seeing what is confirmed

as hope at the end of your tunnel?

They said things are looking up

and it’s the first time

you’ve felt that in months

now it’s real

You made it through winter

whether you dragged, drugged, persuaded, or willed

yourself to do it

in the face of all your tribulations

You did it

and you will do it again,

just like you always have.

by Adefela Olowoselu


The Dance Manifesto


euphoric love