The Dance Manifesto

I think, leaders of countries should be made to dance in public, be they dictators, monarchs or the head of a republic.

Before being sworn in crowned or inaugurated, leaders should first display unadulterated, physical articulation, by way of pelvic thrusts and gyrations, as a symbol of trust, to their nations. After which, they should twerk with ease, to show they aim to work for and please, each and every citizen they serve.

I don’t quite want them to dance in a group or with a partner. Alone, baring their soul, is the daring I’m after. Maybe, they could lead a Conga line, and then, straight into… a dutty wine.

If I, were bestowed, with unconditional power, I would legislate for a complete hour of dance, every day, for everybody. You see, I find it unfortunate and sad, when I hear people obstinate and glad to say, that they don’t like movement, or even music! And though you might disagree with my decree, I guarantee, that to move can improve, the body, mind and souls of individuals. Individuals form nations and nations shape the world!

Now irrespective of frivolities, like, I’m shy, I’m a guy, it’s just not my thing. Or varied abilities, such as the body you live in has limitations. Dance isn’t just for people who can walk, stand up, hear, see and talk. Nor does it seek high education, or low morals. You can be a winner, a happy sinner, a tightwad with a hotline to God. Dance has no preferences or boundaries.

If you can move, you can groove and delight your soul with flow. What you move and how you move it, is up to you! You can boogie in complete silence, to the sensational sensations within. Or sit in a chair and lead the cheer with gestures. Do your thing, it’s yours. Free up and do it, your way!

Movement can be bombastic, lyrical and fantastic. Yes, dance is for everyone; even the clumsy.

So don’t scoff at dad, and say his antics are bad! Try observing him through loving eyes, and hopefully you’ll realise that he’s responding to a joy inside, that’s having a bit of a bumpy ride, exiting his spirit.

The dance elements, of body, space, effort and time, come together to rhythmically rhyme…and make you feel good.

It’s an inner magic, ethereal but oh so real. And though dance is visual the essence, is to feel the feeling and surrender to it.

Try this. After a bad day, take yourself home, smooch with your partner or smooch on your own. Motion releases emotion, and emotion colours motion. Flow with it, go with it and know; that you can dance to remember, just as, you can dance to forget!

Did you ever see Mandela dance? What a King. He so nobly expressed himself through everything God gave him.

Because I know it will take time for most to understand and agree, Mandela is evidence that my decree, is the ideal movement, to take that bold step-for-change, into a new joy filled, world of peace!

Let leaders take a chance and dance. Starting with some pelvic thrusts, for trust!

by Sheba Montserrat


In heat.


Did you make it through winter?