Doll House

Did you enjoy sitting around with empty cups of teas and dolls and friends only you can see?

To be someone you're not.

A princess, perhaps.
Hosting tea parties.
A sovereign over the imaginary.

Playing with puppets.
Our will is their will.

More sugar, more tea.
The party isn't over until I say it's over.

Smile, smile.
Be grateful.
You enjoy this as much as I.
Even when you do not.

How many of you realise you're the puppet now?

Do you enjoy sitting around with empty cups of dreams and promises and friends only benefits hold near?

To be someone you're not.

A commoner, perhaps.
Working towards a goal.
A glorified slave of the unseen.

Playing with your life.
Their will is your will.

More trials, more suffering.
The play isn't over until they say it's over.

Smile, smile.
Be grateful.
We enjoy this as much as they.
Even when we do not.

How many of us realise we're just dolls in a house?


We’re not supposed to see beyond the stage.

Do not question.

Do not seek.

Smile, smile.
My dear.

by MG


Happiness Hurts


for chris