Every day Hero

Free coffee and pastry

It seems easy,

Instead you need to wake up before the

sunrise, your eyes sore

still half closed

to get to work on time.

Barista, hostess, waitress, receptionist, retail.

Jobs someone would pay for

Made you feel like you

failed. Why?

Because you spent decades on books

trying to be well educated.

You know you were wasting your potential

Every day was the same but slightly

different. It was an essential

experience for your growth.

Survival mode.


When you see the rich getting richer

And the poor getting poorer, but being

wealthy isn't a crime or a shame

if it is done ethically.

The problem is that there is too much

disparity, therefore you feel guilty

when you see

homeless people in the street

and you can't help them.

If you're sensitive it's both a

blessing and a curse

You end up being everyone's nurse until

You're exhausted

And since you're always the one who

helps others

there is no one now to help you

Especially if you don't ask for it.

You're stronger than you think

However don't let your ship sink

because of your pride

Don't hide your weaknesses and


A woman can be strong but also delicate.

Handle with care

When she has spare time it is always used

to work on something, fix and tidy up. She

needs people she can trust Even if everyone

keeps saying don't trust


What kind of advice

is this?

What happened to humanity

now that we use any sort of device

forgetting how to really connect in real life

with continuously scrolling through Instagram

or e-mails? Chasing the status. We are slaves

of the system.

A modern type,

but most of us ain't really

free. Jumping on and off the


in this constant rat race

catching a flight early I'm the morning

still need to pack

broke as fuck

You feel all the emotions at once

but you still take the chance to write

bars out of your own scars.

How brave is that?

You're a hero and I also mean your own hero.

You were there for yourself even After those

feelings of restlessness picked up the

pieces and put them back. You still help

others whenever you can There will always

be someone who criticises you or says it isn't

enough but... You are enough.

Please remove every doubt

from your consciousness.

Embrace your greatness because

You are a superhero.

You made it after witnessing

The dark night of the soul.

That is called awakening. It is

called purpose.

by Federica


The Children of Yemen


The Utopian Truth