I will not swallow the mothballs you try to feed me

I am at my softest physically and mentally
and that makes some people uncomfortable
(with themselves).

Statues of aphrodite reveal that the goddess of beauty and love
had some meat on her bones, as do I,
but I know I am not the West’s ideal type.

Maybe that’s why I’m not allowed to take up more space.
Maybe that's why I’m given less room to wiggle in.

My ass and tits have grown a bit
when it happened; I didn't realize that it was sacrilege.

I wonder what Taino deity represents beauty. I wonder what she looks like.
Is her hair long? Does she view herself as a her? Does she think she is beautiful? Or does that assessment come from others? Does she even care for beauty? Or is it just a known part of her?

I’ve gone through a metamorphosis and came out the other end thicker.

Who says the caterpillar must become a butterfly?
Maybe I’m a moth.

I like my softness, it makes me sturdier, and don’t we all need some padding
from the beatings of this world
from the beating of our own hearts
from the beating of the drums that tells you to get back up.

The butterfly is drawn to the flower.

I am drawn to the light
in the darkness.

by Kamilah Mercedes Valentín Díaz


