Sacred ground

What is sacred ground?
Is it a ground steeped in rituals —
poured libations penetrating earth
finding routes to ancestors and memory?

Is it a place that holds the dead
or once-dead?
Is it a place where spirits walk
haunted by the irreverent nature
of those with flesh and bone ?

Is this body a sacred ground?
Does it remain sacred if others
have exploited,
treated it like a mining ground
emptied it of treasures,
planted seeds of death –
Left it hollow?

Is this body still hallowed
if no one is there to say a prayer
for its healing?

(my tongue has found no language yet for healing words)

If ancestors don’t hear it’s cries
to find their way back
to this body

to gift it flight


Is this body still sacred ground if it’s not seen?

by Karolyn K Smith


The Fireflies Sing Tonight


The grief eater