I wake up in the

morning My thoughts


in space and time

I look outside, grey skies, thunders

and rain may show up in a

minute. What is time?

Time is an illusion, it is relative and cyclical. It is

neither a succession of numbers on a digital watch or

clock hands moving across the clock face.

I touch my face, to make sure I'm still here,


I think about what's relevant

And what's not...

Declutter my mind, my room and my

life. There is no reason to live in the past or be

anxious about the future, because the only

moment we are in control of is the now, this very


I am content

Of what I have achieved so far, but I know I

can do more... Content is not enough:

happiness and peace are my life goals and

they both can be found inside us. The inner

work is long and tortuous but an essential and


necessary and extraordinary

beautiful thing to do. For me, for you, for

us. Sometimes I feel lost

Lost in my thoughts,

that's why I keep losing my phone...

Difficulties in communicating, but mostly in

staying present, thinking of plans, worrying

about what other people are doing, saying,


I feel disconnected, without my phone. It is

everything for me, something that allows me

to stay in touch with my loved ones, to express

myself, to feel less lonely. Trying to find the

answers I have been

searching for in that little but powerful


Technology is a phenomenal invention, but

if it is not used properly divides us, controls us

and drains us.

Injecting ideas, words and thoughts that

are not ours.

Social media can be toxic.

Make sure you're a good person in real

life, first,

which is outside this quick click hypnotic,

chaotic, electronic device.

Don't let your ego take the driver's

seat. I beg you, listen to my advice: put

your phones away sometimes and be here

now, in this moment

and try to realise

that this world can be a paradise

If we connect to each other and create From

the tools we already have inside

All of the gifts we've been told to hide

To work for someone instead of working on


Our dreams on the shelves

Full of dust

Let's take them back and start fresh

Before our souls die and what's left Is

just flesh.

by Federica


