“we’re not alone”


[ i experience ]

a restless synesthesia of sensations

my soul its own dimension

of loosely woven associations



sometimes i think i pay a little too much attention

my jaw perpetually clenched

strained by the daily omission

of ineffable prose

so today i embrace my sensitive observations

indulging in the union of all things

i notice what’s not necessarily there

i talk around and not through

i challenge claims of irrelevance

and forever hold

that “far-fetched” is a cowards favorite word

because yesterday i felt seafoam green


this room smells like winter


my skin squirms like earthworms

when i see bumpy trees

and that’s the only way i know how to put it

my love language is longform

i let my teeth tear away at the succulent flesh of a cherry

and savor it as i would a lover

picking their brain before reaching their core

the juice dripping down my lips as it fountains from their hips

a delicious mess

i don’t just take note

i see the universe in you

i think in words

i speak in pictures

i feel sounds like textures rippling through my veins

i walk backwards and run forwards


i am never satisfied

i am the consequence of an infatuation


by a silver tongue

and resulting miscommunications

so it is in my nature not to be straightforward

pheromones released and a love drunk mistake

bore me:

a curse from the cosmos

an /enigma/

to the masses ;

[ [ a living, breathing retrograde

] ]

- A.

by Amaya Branche


Miles in my skin


Making Up With the Sun